
Office Water Coolers Offer Space and Budget Savings

Posted by Brenda Roy on Jun 11, 2019

office-water-coolers-offer-space-and-budget-savingsFrom brewing hot tea between office meetings and grabbing a cold glass of water after a workout, nothing makes life easier on your wallet and health than switching to a bottleless water cooler.

Whether you’re looking for a new bottleless cooler for your business or if you want to make a change at home, improving your bottom line is always appealing. Installation is as easy as connecting your dispenser to your cold-water line and, while the initial cost may feel substantial, it doesn’t compare to the long-term cost of bottled water. Americans consume about 34.2 gallons per person each year. At $2 per gallon, for a family of four, that’s a recurring cost of just over $270 per year.

The various models and option choices make bottleless water dispensers worth looking at. And, with improvements in design and technology, there’s no such thing as a space too small or too large. (Better yet, they're more affordable than ever!)

Space-saving elegant options

Today’s bottleless water coolers don’t require a lot of space for the unit or water bottle storage. They work in almost any setting you have available. Two main options exist: countertop water cooler units for space-saving and free-standing floor models if you don’t have an open countertop space.

Countertop models are great if you have limited space or simply prefer the layout. These are perfect for:

  • Office lunchrooms
  • Business break rooms
  • Medical offices
  • Teacher lounges
  • Cafeterias

Free-standing floor water coolers will still save you space. You won’t be required to store replacement jugs, this makes them sleek and easy to add to spaces like:

  • Offices
  • Factories
  • Homes
  • Medical centers
  • Customer reception areas
  • Beauty salons
  • Retail outlets
  • Gyms or fitness businesses

Both options come in a variety of sizes, giving you the capacity you need to best fit your water consumption. Also, you’ll be able to choose the design styles and filtration options.

Filters vary depending on the impurities you are wanting to filter out. For example, sediment and carbon filters remove particles, rust and pipe scale using a sediment filter and then removes chlorine, as well as other unpleasant tastes and odors with a carbon filter.

Ultraviolet (UV) light, on the other hand, uses a UV lamp to irradiate impurities. Other options include: reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, and no filtration.

Quick and easy installation

Installing bottleless water coolers may seem daunting but don’t let that hold you back from taking the next step. A bottleless water cooler dispenser gets hooked to a cold water line, much like an ice maker or commercial coffee maker.

Talk with your technician about any space constraints or plumbing concerns. Using an experienced and licensed plumber will make all the difference for an efficient job well done. They’ll also be able to make changes to your water cooler for the appropriate level of filtration for the water in your area.

Improve your bottom line

Once you invest in a unit—which costs anywhere from $350 to $1,500—your ongoing costs are negligible as compared to the recurring fees of individual water bottles or service fees associated with replacement jugs.

To break it down further, countertop models range from about $350 to $750. Freestanding models range from about $500 to $1,500. The size and features you choose will determine your final cost. Some filtration systems may require occasional filter changes. If you have an excellent source of pure, clean water, some models are even available without filtration.

How much does bottled water cost exactly? According to the IBWA, the average cost per gallon of bottled water was $1.21 in 2013. Tap water, on the other hand, costs about $2 per every thousand gallons, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Free, easy-to-access water at work makes break and lunchtime enjoyable with immediate access to hot water for instant soups or mid-day coffee breaks. At home, this means on-demand water you can count to be healthy and clean for your family and friends. Bottleless water coolers quickly pay for themselves. New call-to-action

Topics: Bottleless Water Coolers

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